Would you rather side with Jason, Sam, and Willis -OR- Buck, Vaas, and Hoytħ. Would you rather have your little island parties with dubstep, weed, alcohol, and strippers like Vaas does (you're going to feel very fucked up in the morning) -OR- with cigars, orchestral music filled with triumph, and poker games with friends like Hoyt does (you're going to feel great in the morning)Ħ. Would you rather blaze it with Oliver -OR- Jasonĥ. Would you rather have Vaas as your boss -OR- Hoyt as your bossĤ.
Would you rather be a a Rakyat member -OR- a pirate/privateerģ. Would you rather live in the North Islands (Vaas' island) -OR- the South Islands (Hoyt's islands)Ģ. When answering, make sure to explain why you chose the option you wanted!ġ.
Inbox a Far Cryer a number so they can answer these hella rad things.